2008-01-05 Philip Kendall * Fuse 0.9.0 released * New features: * Add +D disk interface support (Stuart Brady). * New floppy disk controller emulation for +D and Beta disk interface emulation (Gergely Szasz and Stuart Brady). * Add Pentagon 512 and Pentagon 1024 emulation (Q-Master). * Add Hi-Fi beeper for improved reproduction of multi-channel beeper tunes (e.g. Fairlight 2, Wham - the Music Box) (Fredrick Meunier). * Add support for saving tape images without using tape traps (Fredrick Meunier). * Add support for loading from WAV tape images (Fredrick Meunier). * Add support for saving CSW tape images and TZX direct recording blocks (Fredrick Meunier). * Allow distinction between "soft" resets (activating the reset line on the Z80) and "hard" resets (pulling the power) (Philip Kendall). * New ALSA sound driver (Gergely Szasz). * AmigaOS support (Chris Young). * MorphOS support (Q-Master). * Emulation core improvements: * Fix contention for LD?R, CP?R and IN?R (Philip Kendall; thanks, Mark Woodmass). * Fix undocumented flags after BIT n,(IX+d) instructions (Philip Kendall). * Fix undocumented behaviour of DAA (Stuart Brady). * High ports (0xc000 to 0xffff) are contended on the 128K when a contended RAM page is paged in (Philip Kendall; thanks, Patrik Rak). * Correct contention for the +2A/+3 ULA (Philip Kendall). * Machine specific improvements: * Fix joystick port mask on TC2048 (Fredrick Meunier) * Improved keyboard handling for 128K / +3 machines (Philip Kendall). * Improved contention for TC2048 and TC2068 machines (Fredrick Meunier; thanks, Mark Woodmass). * Miscellaneous: * Emulation speed no longer artificially limited to 999% (Stuart Brady). * Much improved debugger for the widget UIs (Darren Salt). * Timed breakpoints now work in the debugger (Philip Kendall). * Keys now repeat in the widget fileselector (Fredrick Meunier; thanks, Cygnus). * Removed the GTK+ 1.x UI (please note that GTK+ 2.x will remain supported for the foreseeable future) (Philip Kendall). * GTK+ UI now uses the GTK+ 2.x style file selectors (Philip Kendall). * More informative error messages when ejecting disks (Stuart Brady). * Ejecting Microdrive cartridges now checks for changes and doesn't automatically overwrite the original file (Stuart Brady). * Snapshots can no longer cause the profiler to assert (Philip Kendall; thanks, Stuart Brady). * DivIDE could page itself in incorrectly after a reset (Stuart Brady). * Stop invalid input causing segfault in GTK+ 'Load Binary Chunk' dialog, and allow a length of 65536 to be used (Stuart Brady). * Enable Fuse to build in directories other than the source directory itself (Philip Kendall). * 'make clean' now cleans generated files (Philip Kendall). * Update +3e ROMs to v1.31 (Fredrick Meunier; thanks, Garry Lancaster). * Updated X11 UI (Gergely Szasz). * Updated Win32 UI (Stuart Brady). * Man page fixes (Stuart Brady). * Various other minor bugfixes.